QoF Information
QoF is an innovative way to reward primary care teams for providing good quality care for their patients and a way of funding the work needed to improve the health care delivered to people across the United Kingdom.
The QoF has four 'domains': clinical, organisational, patient experience and additional services. Each domain is divided into areas (ten clinical, five organisational, two patient experience and four additional service areas) that are then further divided into individual indicators or standards.
Payments are linked to achievement of individual indicators and standards in the four domains, each of which has a number of points allocated to it.
See the prevalence figures for the main disease areas, such as Diabetes, CHD and Hypertension for the practice. To view the points scored by the practice, click on the disease area to bring up the indicators. Float the arrow over the indicator for a description.
You can also compare the practice's figures with the CCG average or other practices in your area.