All GP practices in Sefton are open and continuing to provide services, as they have done throughout the pandemic. They are also seeing a rise in demand which is higher than ever before, meaning they are treating and dealing with a record number of patients - please be patient and kind to staff.
Please contact your practice by phone or online to begin with. You will be assessed and offered a phone or video appointment, or a face-to-face appointment if there is a clinical need and it is safe to do so
Receptionists are there to help get the right professional to see you as soon as possible. To help them do this they may need to ask questions about your condition. Please be assured they treat your information in the same strict confidence that medical professionals do.
The majority of common conditions can be assessed and diagnosed by your doctor by telephone or video consultation. We understand that these ways of being seen can be unfamiliar but they are necessary to keep you safe.
Everyone accessing or visiting healthcare facilities must continue to wear a face covering and follow social distancing rules to keep our most vulnerable patients and staff safe
Do not visit your GP if you have coronavirus symptoms or are self-isolating. Follow the advice on the NHS website here.
GP practices are seeing a rise in demand for their services more than ever before and are working hard to help everyone in Sefton, so please be kind and patient with your GP staff. We ask for your support during this very busy time for practices.